- Wash and Soak soy beans for 4 hours
- Add soy bean and 500ml water into the mixing jar to blend.
30 seconds / speed 10
- Sieve the mixture through a cheese cloth into a clean bowl.
- Rinse the the mixing jar and cover, then add 500ml water to cook.
16 minutes / 100c / speed 2
- Mix and stir coagulant ingredient into a pot , example rice cooker, slow cooker or thermo pot)
- Pour the cooked soy milk into the pot from 1 foot high.
- Quickly scoop out the bubbles and close the pot lid.
- Gently place the pot to a safe place to coagulate for minimum ONE hour.
Notes: Do no stir, open the lid, or shake the pot !
(C) Syrup
- Rinse the mixing jar and then add sugar, pandan leaves, ginger slides and water into the mixing jar to cook.
10 minutes / 100c / speed 1
- Serve soy pudding (Tau Foo Fah) with syrup.
0 servings